The Promised Ship is a documentary that follows the oral history of the Black Star Line, a maritime venture undertaken by Marcus Garvey, the leader of the first massive Black Power movement of the 20th Century. The Black Star Line was a steamship line intended to bring Black people across the Atlantic in search of their lost homelands. The old townspeople of Limon in Costa Rica recall the impact this adventure had on the banana barons and workers of the time.
Following the screening there will be a Q&A and discussion.
This screening will take place on Friday 15 November 2024 from 13:00 to 14:00 GMT at The Black Cultural Centre Islington, 16–18 Hornsey Road, N7 7BT. The nearest tube station is Holloway Road (Piccadilly Line) which is 5 mins walk away.
Food and drinks will be on sale.
To book your place, go to
Please note that this event will be photographed for historical record and uploaded to the World Wide Web. By attending and participating in this event, you are giving your consent to be photographed and waiving any and all claims regarding the use of your image.