Come and join Culture Mark (Simpson) as he celebrates his Earthstrong at this Blacknificent and Unique event.
The event will be hosted by Culture Mark, where on the night he will spoil you with an exclusive ‘Message In The Music’ presentation and a ‘Powerful Empowerment Presentation’ delivered by ‘Ms Kess Sims’
There will be a ‘live performance’ from Culture Mark and also from the spoken work and musical artist ‘Nate The Lyricist’.
Delicious food and drinks will be on sale.
There will be a live and interactive QUIZ, with ‘fantastic prizes’ for the winner and runners up.
A big prize ‘Raffle’.
And don’t forget the ‘After Party’, where Culture Mark and others will be spinning the best music to end the night on a high!
The doors open at 5pm and the Edutainments starts at 6pm SHARP!!
So make it a date and don’t be late
Get your ticket via this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-message-in-the-music-show-live-unplugged-tickets-1226195587009?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl